Good old youtube

I have a complexe experience with youtube. I wrote an article about that but I will not publish it now for some reasons. Anyway, to summarize, if you let me alone with youtube recommandation algorithm, I will be stuck watching videos for hours and hours (8 or 10 if I don't have anything else to do). To counteract this behavior and still be able to use youtube for usage that I accept and controle, I've set up a "good old youtube" with some tools. It's named like that because it feels more like the oldest versions of Yt (when the main feature were not the recommandation videos but the videos of the people you follow).

Firefox addon


PS : Hi ! Hope you liked the article ! If you have other tool that would fit well in this setup, I will be really happy to hear from it (my email is always open). If you tried my setup and you have some feedback, let me now it too ! Hope you have a good day :)


Last update: 04/18/2024